This folder contains a repository of QBASIC/QB64 source which runs in QB64 The qb64\samples\qb64\original\ folder contains samples provided with QB64 up to (and including) V0.83 The example programs contained there are not listed below, refer to qb64\samples\qb64\original\samples.txt for more information about them. Only QBASIC programs which run WITH NO MODIFICATIONS are added to this repository with the following exceptions: -Changes to make the program's path correct if required -Changes to the speed at which the program runs (using QBASIC code only) (The only exception to this rule is wetspot.bas, in which case the minor change is explained) QB64 programs will be added to this repository later. They will contain a /64 tag. Tags Used: -* notable /b big program (more than 200 lines) /g graphical /f fun/game /l little (a page or so) /s sound /u utility(something that helps you produce something else) /x unfinished/code snippit/not useful in its current form /64 requires QB64 (does not run in QBASIC) -b-g-f tic-tac-toe, vs computer[n54\big\tictac] -*-b-g-u view wireframe of a .3DS formatted 3D object[n54\big\3dsviewer\3dsviewer] -b-g-u saves an image as a .jpg image file[n54\big\jpegmake] -b-g-f-s 2 player, stick figures fighting[pete\beatdown\beatdown] -*-b-g-f ride motorbike & jump to defeat aliens[pete\booger\booger] -g-f-s race & avoid obstacles(flickery)[pete\carracingenglish] -*-b-f-s avoid monsters in a cave & collect treasure[pete\cr\cr] -g-f small fighting game[pete\fight] -b-g-f-s 2 player, fight with spaceships[pete\space1] -*-b-g-f exact remake of original space invaders[pete\invader1\invader] -g-f-s pong game[pete\darpong\darpong] -l-x generates 2 random dice numbers[pete\diceit] -b-g-f 3d driving/fying game[pete\drug3d] -l-f-s ascii game, avoid enemies by freezing them[pete\move] -l-f guess the number game[pete\mrguessit] -g-f pong game[pete\pongsource] -b-g-f pong with bottoms for paddles?[pete\rectong\rectong] -*-b-g-f-s robot piloting through mazes etc[pete\roboraid\roboraid] -b-f-s use ascii man to avoid traps[pete\alyman] -b-f pong against real life tennis champions[pete\pongtennis\tennis] -b-f 2 player ascii deathmatch shoot-em-up[pete\su2\su2t] -g-f drop skydivers into lake safely[pete\skydiver] -b-g-f player vs player graphical tank game[pete\tank\tcv2] -b-f-s ascii-based spaceship game with music[pete\torndc] -*-b-g-f wetspot: 1/2 player, push blocks to enclose enemies(MODIFICATION: TIMER OFF commands which did nothing were removed)[pete\wetspot\wetspot] -*-b-g-f-s shoot spaceships[pete\mooncr\mooncr] -f battleship[pete\battleship] -*-b-f-g strategy game about the hegemonic efforts of medieval empires[pete\hgm30e\hgm30e] -b-f zodiac battle game[pete\zodiac4] -f-s drop ascii bombs on target[pete\bush] -b-f monopoly[pete\monopoly\monopoly] -*-b-g-f like sim-city, but it's sim-empire[pete\simpire\ssimpire] -*-b-f national league cricket manager 2006[pete\nlcm2006\nlcm] -l-f like the game nim[pete\stones] -f blackjack[pete\bj] -l sudoku solver[pete\sudoku] -l-g simple effect using circles[pete\coolscr] -l-g scrolling with bouncing ball[pete\darokin] -*-l-g ball bounces realistically[pete\gravity] -l-g lines move line a pendulum simplistically[pete\lineswin] -l-g doubles a graphic's size & saves it[pete\makebig] -l-g 25-line comp. starfield[pete\25lines\starfild] -*-l-g 3D solid triangle rotating cube[pete\25lines\3dcube25] -*-l-g plasma effect (non-palette)[pete\25lines\npplasma] -l-g rotating circles[pete\rotate] -l simple coloured ascii smilies[pete\rug] -l-g simple night sky & moon[pete\pall2] -*-g texel raytracer[pete\raytra1b] -*-b-g large collection of entertaining graphical techniques[pete\optimus\deedsaks] -*-b-g effects: mandelbrot zoom,plasma,flag[pete\tor\qbdemo] -g fly around a plane of dots[pete\vektor] -l-u converts between ASCII value and character[pete\asciiconversion] -l-x averages 5 test scores[pete\averager] -l limited calculator[pete\calc] -l-x limited calculator in spanish[pete\calc_2] -l-u counts lines of code[pete\cc2] -l degrees(F) to degrees(C)[pete\degrees] -l-x creates simple html page[pete\html\test] -l-x seperates words as you type[pete\kbdparse] -*-b-u makes QB code neat[pete\qbb] -g right angle triangle solver[pete\rats1] -l detects available screen modes[pete\screen] -l counts squares/rects inside grid[pete\rect2] -l tells the time/date in words[pete\time] -l lowercase/uppercase conversion[pete\upperlowerconversion] -l calculate sphere's volume[pete\vsphere] -*-b-g-u PixelPlus256 collection of graphics & font routines[pete\pp256\usersubs]