Change log ---------- 0.3.5 beta 1 ------------ Fixed: Read-only file handling. If write access fails, then files are opened as read-only (when it's valid to do so). Added: Multi language support. UK English by default. I did a US English translation but the only difference is the word "Colour" :) Added: French translation by redia Added: German translation by Kaligula Added: Brazilian Portuguese translation by leo_bsb Added: Dutch transation by spidy1000 Added: Inline editing for titles/ID/Region. Only the title is editable with read-only files, which will be added to the custom titles file. Added: New list column. "File access", which shows if a list entry is considered to be read-only. Added: Option to "Allow permanent changes to Wii discs". Write title/ID to the Wii disc header in ISO/CISO/WBFS. Added: Option to "Allow changes to WBFS discs". Write title/ID to WBFS disc header. This must be enabled for the above option to work with WBFS too. Added: New column, "Original title". This shows the title stored in the file. Changed: Display order for titles. In order of priority... Custom, WiiTDB, original. Changed: Rename functions use the new display order. So what you see in the list is what's written to the files and also used for the file/folder names. changed: CustomTitles.txt is now custom-titles.txt for CFG 52b2+ compatibility. Changed: Settings dialog layout so it's easily adjusted to fit the text width of different languages. Added: Spanish translation by 6izmo. Added: Traditional Chinese translation by TeenTin. Added: Simplified Chinese translation by sniperz Added: Drive/DVD insert and removal detection. Added: Cached drive lists for the menus, format dialog and settings dialog. Added: Game list export with templates. Added: More comprehensive game region list. 0.3.4r5 ------- Changed: Reverted WBFS AddDisc() routine to the way it was previous to 0.3.4 Changed: ISO, CISO and WBFS files are opened as read only. Fixed: Bug in the fix partition function that didn't quite work when remapping all the partitions in SSBB. That game showed an fst error when not using "Game only". 0.3.4r4 ------- Fixed: AV after transferring DVD->ISO. Fixed: DVD read errors weren't logged correctly. Added: New option to "Use buffered transfers". It could be handy to disable this when transferring over a network etc. but it's slower for normal use. Added: Average transfer speed shown in the log, once finished. Fixed: Some results weren't added to progress logs and some were added twice. Fixed: Progress events for mounting a drive weren't all assigned correctly. 0.3.4r3 ------- Fixed: All header popup menus now show/hide columns correctly Fixed: WBFS split style wasn't applied with transfers to WBFS file, so it was always set to Auto. Fixed: Duplicates checking with transfers from the files page didn't work and would get caught in an infinite loop, causing the app to freeze when de-selecting the items. Fixed: "Update storage convention" functions didn't handle .wbf* files. 0.3.4r2 ------- Fixed: I left in a line of code that made invalid ISOs terminate the "add files" thread.. 0.3.4 ----- Added: New folder name layouts compatible with CFG 51b+ Added: WBFS split style. Auto, Unlimited, 1GB, 2GB, 4GB. Added: New items on the files page "Select" menu. Save/load from file. A list of selected IDs are save to file so these entries can be quickly selected by loading the .sel file. Added: Safely remove corrupt WBFS discs. For now, only WBFS discs with a bad header are considered to be corrupt. Added: "Tools->WBFS->Fix free blocks". This will compare the allocated blocks on a WBFS drive with blocks actually used by the discs stored on it. If there's any blocks found to be allocated, but unused, they're marked as free. This is used to free blocks after removing corrupt discs, since the header can't be trusted. It should be handy to recover some space after failed transfers with apps that don't handle it correctly. Added: New option "Ignore storage/naming convention for transfers to WBFS file". When enabled "Transfer->WBFS file.." will use the title as the filename, with no sub folder or text file. Added: Batch DVD mode. When enabled, the progress panel stays open waiting on the next DVD. Once inserted, all game partitions are selected and the transfer begins automatically. Added: Drag and drop the list columns to rearrange them. Added: Select which columns are visible via right click menu. I can add some useless info columns now. :) Added: Incremental search on lists. eg. Quickly type "mar" to go to the next entry that contains that text. There's a 1 second timeout, so if you type again too quickly, then you might be trying to search for something like "marmar". If you here a beep or it acts strangely, wait 1 second for the search text to get cleared before trying again. Added: Mini log on progress panels. This shows only success/failure/warning for transfers etc. The panel stays open when an error occurred. See the main log for details on errors. Changed: Progress panels show in a scroll box on the right side of the window. Using the scrollbox reduces the amount of space needed for multiple progress panels. Fixed: WBFS drives now show up using detection via drive letters. I introduced a feature that only showed drives if it had a disk inserted, now it only checks if the drive exists. Added: Automatically request admin privileges, which are needed to work with WBFS drives. Added: WinAPI functions used to format NTFS/FAT32, with native Delphi FAT32 format code now used as fallback. Added: Option to select whether MD5 hashes are automatically calculated during transfers. Added: Mount custom folders on the drive pages via a "Custom folder" item in the drive menus. Changed: WBFS AddDisc() routine uses too much CPU time copying 1 Wii sector at a time. I changed it to copy whole WBFS sectors at a time where the whole sector is actually used. If parts of the WBFS sectors are unused, then they're copied 1 Wii sector at a time, like before. This almost halves the CPU usage on my system. Added: New list columns; Game region, file type, Wii disc partitions. Partitions types are U=Update, G=Game, C=Channel, O=Other Added: Format dialog doesn't display system or network drives. Added: With incremental search, uppercase does a full title search, lowercase searches using the start of the titles. Fixed: Dual layer ISO size was wrong. Added: Options to auto rename from titles.txt on transfer to drives and WBFS files. Added: Option to use on-the-fly titles for storage conventions, ie. file and folder names, without renaming the internal titles. Transfers to ISO/CISO always use it. Added: ISOs are now also renamed from titles.txt. The internal title isn't changed, only the file/folder names. Added: Menu item on drive tools menu, NTFS/FAT32->Update storage convention. To manually update it, rather than using "Update when drive is mounted" in the settings. Changed: Keep all Wii disc partitions by default. 0.3.3 ----- Added: Full scrubbing (clean) mode. Full scrubbing will use only ~used~ Wii disc sectors, the rest will be filled with zeros. Without full scrubbing, some junk data will remain. Changed: RAR extracts 20MB of data to get disc info, instead of the previous 4MB. Added: "Game titles->Rename ??" functions use custom titles as well as WiiTDB. Custom titles have priority over WiiTDB just like on the fly renaming. So the titles displayed are the titles that are used when renaming. This was added in previous versions, but I forgot about it. Added: Automatic WBFS file split size. Unlimited on NTFS, 4GB on FAT32. Changed: Totally rewritten ISO/CISO writing routines to use the Wii disc exactly like the WBFS partition AddDisc(). Added: Various functions in the drive tools menu for calculating/verifying MD5 hashes. Verification results are shown on in the log for now. Fixed: With Add->Folder function, pause and cancel buttons didn't work when the files were being added. Fixed: Multiboot disc transfers didn't work correctly when the disc contained anything other than game partitions. Fixed: Some multiboot disc titles had a couple of binary ones after the real title, which caused an error -32 when loading the wbfs partition in CFG. I fixed this before the first release of the multiboot handling code, but uncommented the line that caused it for some reason. I've removed this line of code completely now. 0.3.2 ----- Fixed: .wbf to WBFS. This was a flaw that also existed in libWBFS due to different block sizes on larger drives. Added: Hash calculation from used Wii disc sectors only, for WBFS and .wbfs. This will allow reproducible hashes from any source as long as the partition usage is the same. There's no hash check function yet. 0.3.1 ----- Changed: Compiler version back to Delphi 7, which seems to fix all the silly AVs. Fixed: CISO. Now uses the same block size as WBFS files. So all CISOs saved from WBM should be identical regardless of the source WBFS block size. Added: Select "Items not in file list" for drive pages. Added: Reduced sparse file fragmentation by allocating the file size before setting sparse mode. Thanks to oggzee. Added: Drive detection via assigned drive letters. This allows the use of mapped network drives as well as adding support for Wine and fixing other drive detection issues. There's an option to use unmounted volumes in the settings dialog. Fixed: Transfers to NTFS ISO couldn't be cancelled. Fixed: If the temp folder name in the settings file was blank when opening the app, all of the tabs were missing. Fixed: All ~known integer overflow errors. Fixed: Sparse ISO size on drive. Any holes that should be sparse are now correctly written. Thanks to oggzee again. Fixed: Drive sizes in the format dialog. Fixed: Multi-volume RARs now show the correct ISO size. Fixed: Renaming of folders where the old and new names are identical except from the case. eg. Renaming from "POP!" to "Pop!" wouldn't change the folder name. Fixed: Bug introduced when changing the titles colours. I originally had 5 colours, but changed it to 3. The settings dialog was still using 5 internally which would cause some memory to get accidentally overwritten, causing an AV when closing the settings dialog. 0.3.1 beta 3 ------------ Changed: Disabled overflow check, since it's stupid having the app crash for non-critical errors. It might even help track down where the overflow is, otherwise it'll just disappear, never to be seen again. Time will tell.. Changed: System error messages now show the error code as well as the description Changed: Disabled MD5 hashing for now. Changed: Full debug by default (change it in "Debug level" menu on the log page) Changed: Application exceptions should be logged, instead of showing the message dialog Fixed: DVD->WBFS file should work. 0.3.1 beta 2 ------------ fixed: Integer overflow during transfers fixed: WBFS partition closed after transfer, which caused errors when batch transferring. Changed: CISO writing method to create smallest CISO possible, regardless of the source. (Experimental) Added: New NTFS partition support. Choose whether to save ISO or WBFS files on NTFS. 0.3.1 beta ---------- Changed: Drive->drive and files->.wbfs now use the standard routines converted from libWBFS. Changed: Disabled Data integrity/hash checking for this version. Fixed: Drive usage bar colours applied when settings are read from the ini. 0.3.0 ----- Added: WiiTDB titles support (titles.txt). Added: Download titles.txt from the settings dialog. Added: Custom Titles support (CustomTitles.txt). Added: Double click drive entries to edit manually. Changes are saved to CustomTitles.txt if enabled. Added: MD5 Hash functions for .wbfs/WBFS. Hashes are calculated when adding a disc to the drive and can be used to verify the data is still intact at a later date. You can also calculate missing hashes for existing entries. Added: Custom colors for Drive usage bars, Progressbars, titles and log. Changed: Reverted to using the unRAR DLL. Embedding it in the exe was causing problems. Added: Support for the new WBFS file storage convention. You can now store the files in sub-folders or in a single WBFS folder. With an option to automatically convert to the chosen convention when a drive is mounted. Fixed: Range check error caused by the remaining time falling below zero. Added: Duplicate files in the file list now handled correctly, so it isn't possible to transfer duplicates to a drive or convert to other formats. Allowing this would just be a waste of the user's time because the first files would be overwritten by the duplicates. Added: Manual/Custom titles can be edited on the files and DVD pages, without actually changing anything in files. Added: WBFS Read retry. On read error, check for valid handle and recover if possible. 0.3.0 beta 4 ------------ Fixed: Problem with sorted columns with items over 4 GIG, introduced in beta 3 Fixed: "Not enough space" with some operations. They were referencing total size instead of selected size. 0.3.0 beta 3 ------------ Changed: Progress panels/bars hopefully for the better Changed: Drive usage status/progress bars Fixed: Multiboot disc to ISO/CISo didn't use the partition ID/title Fixed: DVD to large WBFS drive didn't work. The buffer was too small, so now it's dynamically allocated. Fixed: Various operations didn't use thread safe debug events. Added: Stupid not having it before. Read/write errors now show the windows GetLastError() message in the log. Fixed: Error when transferring multiple discs from WBFS to WBFS File. Caused by the workaround for writing WBFS files to same folder as the source, for resplitting. Fixed: Drive to ISO/CISO didn't use temp files. Added: Option to hide drives. This replaces "Show USB only" Added: Option to change drive display names. Added: If there's a bad Wii disc partition table entry, it's recognised instead of the many problems it could cause. eg. locking up the app, using tonnes of memory etc. Added: RAR password dialog. 0.3.0 beta 2 ------------ Fixed: Duplicate drives in the drive menus and format dialog in some situations. Fixed: Changes to "Show USB drives only" are reflected in the format dialog. Fixed: .wbfs->.wbfs using the same folder as source and destination (for resplit etc.) Added: Check if the destination file is going to be exactly the same as the source. eg. .wbfs->.wbfs with the same split size is pointless. The transfer list is also sorted by size to rule out smaller files as soon as possible because they don't need re-split. 0.3.0 beta 1 ------------ Total rewrite.